
Monday, September 12, 2016

Inkling Explorations Link-Up // September 2016

(Note: if you're interested in participating and new to the blog, you can find our link-up explanation/guidelines + more buttons here. :))

This month's selection is: A picnic scene in literature or film

And... *drumroll* my entry is the climactic Box Hill scene in Austen's Emma. (Highly surprising, I know. ;D) It's incredible on so many levels and, if you'd like to read more, I did write a wee bit more about it HERE for a certain Emma party -- once upon a time. (Also, feel free to leave a comment over there, too. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!)

Tell me! Have you read or seen Emma? And what do you think of this scene?

Just leave your own link here in a comment and I'll add it to the post! (Also please note: I'm adjusting the schedule a little for this month, so if your link is left later in September I'll probably be adding it to the post sometime in October. :)) I can't wait to see your selections!


MovieCritic ~ Nanny McPhee Returns

*How to do it*

1. Post the Inklings button on your sidebar.
2. Do a post on your own blog relating to the month's selection/subject (a literary excerpt as short or as long as you like AND/OR—if specified that month—a screencap from a film with an explanation of how the scene builds/develops the story). Link back here somewhere in your post.
3. Come back here and paste your link in the comments box and I'll add it to the post. Then enjoy visiting and reading everyone else's contributions!

That's all there is to it!

Up next month: A scene with characters setting out on a journey/adventure in literature or film


  1. Great!!! I have my choice, it will be out in a few days, Friday at the latest.

  2. Lovely choice!! I'll have to think about this topic....maybe I can scrounge something up. ;)

    ps. Ooh, I'm VERY excited for next month's topic! (So many LOTR options come to mind...:))

  3. Good choice Heidi! :) I chose the picnic in, At Home in Mitford, by Jan Karon.

  4. I have an Aussie picnic to add to the mix this month -

    And Emma, of course! I couldn't think of another iconic picnic scene at all, but this is picnic occurs at such a pivotal moment in the story, when Emma realises that she could do wrong and when she finally gets an inkling of how she really feels about Mr Knightley *sigh*

  5. Oh, Heidi! You chose one of the most gut-wrenching scenes I know!! It about kills my little heart every time!

    Alright well, I did miss last month and this month I'm hoping my addition qualifies. Haha. It's a barn raising--not a straight picnic. I hope you don't mind...

    Yours truly,

  6. Here it is!

  7. Ohhh! EMMA! I love that movie! Great choice, Heidi! :D (Now, I'm just trying to figure out why that scene never even crossed my mind when considering what to contribute! Heehee.)

    Here's my post.

  8. Ooh, the Box Hill scene makes me so frustrated! Badly done, Emma indeed!
    By the way, I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award:

  9. Hello, Heidi! I just love both your blogs , they are so sweet and always enjoyable!

    I've noticed that you seem to like "Emma" and I just wanted to let you know that I am currently hosting an Emma Woodhouse-themed blog party over at my blog,, and I would be delighted if you joined in the fun!


  10. Hi Heidi!

    I know that you're probably out enjoying your life right now, I just wanted to check in, ask how you're doing, and let you know that I miss these monthly link-ups. I don't know what your future in blogging looks like, but if you're wondering whether to continue with this series, Cordy wants her vote to count as a "yes".

    Hope all is well!!


  11. The trip is the best thing and it becomes double enjoyable if you plan to enjoy it with your loved ones. This will make yopu able to have the real joy with of the life. This will give you the chance to make your mind and body refresh. This will help you to have the joy as much as you can.

  12. I have read Emma by Jane Austen and indeed your attempt to justify the picnic scene is so good that, can't resist myself from trying it on my own self. Talking about the selection of your post, it is also good that I am now eagerly waiting for your next blog.
