
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Quote of the Month ~ September 2015

(click to enlarge)

I might paraphrase this and make it "sometimes doubt" (as you can't get very far in a state of perpetual indecision), but as finite creators we definitely do have our doubts. Altogether, do you think those uncertainties are part of maintaining humility in the genuine creative process? 

Thoughts anyone?

For more great Quotes of the Month click here!

Heidi Peterson is a lover of wide-spreading land, summer dust, white pounding waterfalls, and mountain tops; also of good dark coffee and rich stories. Most of all she's a lover of the One who is the Word, the Word made flesh. You can visit her additional blog (where she shares more about books, movies, and further marvels of life) at: Along the Brandywine.

Visit and contact at: Sharing the Journey // Along the Brandywine // ladyofanorien(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Yes, I think all artists (writers or otherwise) often have doubts about what they're doing, about whether it's really GOOD or just really mediocre . . . I never thought about it in the sense of "humility" before, but I do think that makes sense.

    In a way, I think never being QUITE sure that what you're doing is "good," artistically, actually makes the process more fun--if you were always completely sure of yourself, wouldn't it be kind of boring? Not being sure is what makes it an adventure.

    1. jessica,
      I agree. And good point about the adventure of it! I hadn't thought of that. :)

  2. This was a very encouraging quote! :)

    1. Natalie,
      I'm so glad you found it encouraging, too! I find it very heartening. ;)

  3. Oh my goodness, yes. The doubts! Oh, the doubts. We hates them, Precious.

    1. Hamlette,
      Hee! And complete tangent, but just imagine Gollum writing a book. I'm trying to think of any writer who would be close to comparable....

    2. Hah! Oh, my goodness, what a wormhole of a book that would be. Maybe like James Joyce? I hear he's both interminable and unintelligible...
